Rapid City, South Dakota

Rapid City, South Dakota
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is BHPI?
We do not charge for our investigation!
BHPI does not enter any investigation trying to prove paranormal activity. We first look for reasonable explanations. Anything that is left will warrant full on paranormal investigating to find the root source of the activity. We also understand that it is difficult to talk to complete strangers about paranormal experiences. Know that BHPI does not judge. We promise you that your case will be handled with understanding, professionalism, and confidentiality. If you are experiencing activity that you believe is paranormal in nature then Black Hills Paranormal Investigations is the investigative team for you. All of our services are free of charge. Go to our Contact Us page to send us a message. Our lead investigator Maurice ‘Mo’ Miller or our case manager Lee Ann Hibbert will contact you promptly.
I can't even mention what's happening to my friends and co-workers for fear of ridicule. Why would I call complete strangers and ask for help?
I want to call BHPI for help, but I don't want anyone to know. Will you keep my information confidential?
What can I expect when I contact BHPI?
You should also understand that not every case we investigate is paranormal in nature. We have found that 95-97% of the cases, we can find some environmental, structural, chemical, or biological reason for what you have experienced. But, we also don’t want you to feel you have wasted our time. This is what we do, and our job is to find answers.
This meeting is also your opportunity to ask us questions. We want you to feel comfortable with our practices and us.
If an investigation is scheduled, what can I expect?
Prior to the investigation, an investigator will research your property in an effort to uncover any significant historic activity that might be relevant to the case. Upon arrival at your home or business, we conduct a safety tour looking for any hazards. The rest of the team will begin placing equipment in areas where paranormal activity has been reported.
We utilize static IR (Infrared) cameras, digital video cameras, digital audio recorders, and electro-magnetic field meters (EMF), just to name a few.
Once satisfied with our setup, we will begin the investigation. Our investigators will document anomalous readings and attempt to debunk or look for reasonable explanations for the reported activity. Expect the investigation to take at least six hours. It could last longer if we are experiencing activity.
If a spirit is discovered our psychics will determine if it should be removed or not with the consent of the client.
Once our goals of the investigation have been satisfied, we will proceed to pack up our equipment and leave your home or business. It usually takes us two weeks to review and analyze the evidence collected. Once finished, we will contact you to reveal our findings. Any evidence collected will be handed over to you.
** An important note. Any evidence collected by BHPI on any investigation becomes the property of BHPI, and BHPI can distribute that evidence in presentations and through social media. However, BHPI will not disseminate that evidence if it might reveal a client’s identity.
Can I be there when BHPI investigates my home or business?
If you do wish to take part in the investigation we do request that you don’t call all of your friends and family. Too many people can contaminate any evidence we collect. We will not be able to investigate under those conditions.
Do you provoke the spirits like I see on TV?
If BHPI does find evidence of paranormal activity, will you remove it?
Yes, if warranted. We leave that determination up to the client and the psychics we have on the team. We have also found that educating our clients about paranormal activity decreases their anxiety. Once we strip away the mystique of the paranormal experience, many of our past clients have learned to coexist and accept the activity.
How do I contact BHPI?
If you have any other questions that were not addressed here, please do not hesitate to contact us.